Zimmy Khan
- From / Dubai   United Arab Emirates
- On KINZZI Since /October 2020
- Creative /Life Coach

Zimmy Khan is the founder of Epiphany - a Dubai-based organization that provides Holistic Healing services, for the past 12 years.
She is a Life Coach, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Energy Healing and Akashic Records Practitioner.
"An epiphany is what I had a few years ago when I realized that the purpose of my life was to witness others grow and reach their highest potential; and by helping them evolve, I knew I would be evolving too.
That’s when the journey started, slow yet steady, from the corporate arena of Advertising, towards the more spiritual dimension of learning about the power of the mind. I was surprised and intrigued by the realization that we very actively keep searching outside of ourselves for answers, solutions, inspirations, while all we really need to do is explore within. Not only is the latter a lot easier, but also a lot more empowering.
The journey commenced with becoming a Master Practitioner of NLP - more commonly known as a Life Coach. Following that, a master's certification in Clinical Hypnotherapy and Regression Therapy, which led to Integrated Energy Science, Theta Healing, and Akashic Records Reading.
An epiphany is also what many of my clients admit to experiencing during the course of our sessions, as they discover their inner strengths, acknowledge & overcome deep-seated & self-restrictive barriers, while embracing new & empowering perspectives.
The most important thing they all seem to learn from the experience is that people don’t get into this kind of therapy because they ‘need help’, they do it because they want to be the best that they can be, and are willing to take personal responsibility for removing the blocks and barriers from their path and ensuring that the path to success is smooth and well-lit.
I am also the founder of The Love Academy, a non-profit initiative to help underprivileged children around the world access the superpowers of love, kindness, gratitude and confidence within them."

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