Stephany Sanossian
- From / Dubai   United Arab Emirates
- On KINZZI Since /July 2020
- Creative /Graphic Designer

Stephany Sanossian is an Armenian/Syrian visual artist based in Dubai, UAE. She has a Master's Degree in Research for Design and Innovation at Elisava in Barcelona, Spain. She is a freelance Graphic Designer with experience in mixed media.
She held a joint exhibition “Perspective 101” in Denmark last year. Her work is featured on several online outlets, such as Art Mejo.
And she had a successful series called MetGala x Damascus and if Hollywood movies were Syrian Production that went viral online. (Arab News, CNN Arabia, step feed).
With more than 4 years of experience in the field of Graphic Design and master's degree in Research in design and innovation, Combining two powerful disciplines in the innovation process: Trend research and methodologies such as Service Design and Design Thinking.
Collages. What I love most about collages is how it speaks differently to every viewer. You might think that that’s the case for any artwork. But I believe collages are different in the sense that they are proactive pieces of art. In my collages, I embrace our culture with always adding in a little twist and a dash of popular elements.
She is also the co-founder of “live love Armenia” (LLA), based in Yerevan, Armenia. It showcases the beauty and authentic side of Armenia. Their mission is to display Armenian talent to connect the Armenian diaspora with the motherland.
The message that she tries to send through her artwork is that life is already a lot to handle, so we just need to take a step back from time to time and enjoy the little/big things.

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